R Resources
- The R Project: the menu on the left, under ‘Documentation’, has links to manuals, books, FAQs and the R Journal.
- UCLA Institute for Digital Research and Education, Resources to help you learn and use R
- Princeton University Library, Getting Started in Data Analysis
- Stack Overflow, browse/search for answers to specific R issues
- Robert Kabacoff, Quick R: Accessing the Power of R
- Robert Knell’s Online R resources for beginners
- UCLA IDRE, R Starter Kit
- Princeton Data and Statistical Services, Getting started series: R
- Code School, Try R
- Alastair Sanderson, Using R
- John Verzani, simpleR
Video Tutorials
- Coursera has some online courses that are free and use R such as Statistics with R, Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1, Data Science: Statistics and Machine Learning
- Udacity also has online courses that use R such as Exploratory Data Analysis
Books and eBooks
- The UO Library has various books and e-books on R for different uses and experience levels. Search the UO Library catalog online using, for example, R Computer program language, in the search box.
- Available eBooks include:
- Introductory Statistics with R. Peter Dalgaard; New York: Springer; 2008
- RData Analysis without Programming. David W. Gerbing; Hoboken: Taylor and Francis; 2013
- Applied spatial data analysis with R. Roger Bivand, Edzer J. Pebesma, Virgilio Gómez-Rubio; New York: Springer; 2008
- Beginning R The Statistical Programming Language. Mark Gardener; Hoboken: Wiley; 2012
- Maindonald, J. H. (2008). Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics: Introduction, Code and Commentary. Available for free through the R Project’s website.
Downloading and installing R
R is open source and you can download it for free from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) Project’s website. For instructions on how to install R on your computer, check this page by UCLA’s Institute for Digital Research and Education. You can also drop by SSIL during GE office hours and we can guide you through the process.
Using R on campus
R is available on all computers at the Social Science Instructional Labs (SSIL), located on the fourth floor of McKenzie Hall. You may be able to use R in other computer labs across campus. Computing labs managed by the UO Library also offers R.