SSIL Basics
Welcome to SSIL
This page covers basic info you should know as students using SSIL spaces and services.
SSIL consists of 3 lab spaces on the 4th floor of McKenzie. As of Fall 2021, these computers should have the same set of software as any other UO IS-managed computer labs.
Lab use is prioritized for scheduled classes. Labs are open for walk-in use outside of scheduled class time. Please be respectful of any ongoing courses. SSIL schedules are posted at the door of each lab.
SSIL is open during University business hours and may close after the last course of each day. We are no longer open on weekends. We are also closed on all University holidays. We recommend the Knight Library Learning Commons and the EMU Computer Lab for after-hours and weekend campus computer lab access, which have access to the same software as the SSIL labs.
No eating or drinking is permitted in SSIL.
SSIL spaces are under 24/7 video surveillance.
See more details: Use Policy
As students using SSIL, you have access to a few special services not available in other campus labs.
Printing is currently not available in SSIL due to technical issues.
See more details: Printing at SSIL
Dual Monitors
The middle monitor is set up to mirror your instructor’s screen by default. But computers to the left of each screen can manually override this by directly switching the input on the middle screen. Please reset the input back to the default after you’re done.
GIS consulting
In partnership with the UO Geography Department, SSIL provides consultation for work in GIScience, including instructional support to students taking courses in GIS. This is done in support of your course instructor(s) and course GE(s) by Dr. Nicholas Kohler. Dr. Kohler can also advise UO-affiliates doing research in GIS, cartography, spatial data science, geospatial analysis.
See more details: GIS
As SSIL students, you also have access to network folder space for your course. When logged on, you should see a link to this space in This PC in Explorer. If you have multiple SSIL courses you’ll see R-Drive directories for each course.
Your course R-Drive consists of:
- Student Data folder to store your personal course files and works.
- Class Data folder where your instructor will place assignments and course files. This folder is read-only for students. You must copy the content of this folder to your Student Data folder.
- Shared Data folder where you can collaborate with others in your class. Note that anything saved here can be accessed, altered, or deleted by all others in your class. So, always save a backup copy to your Student Data folder.
These spaces should also be automatically accessible in other campus computer labs. You can also connect to these spaces on your own personal computers.
R-Drive spaces are wiped after the end of each term. Be sure to backup your class data to OneDrive or Dropbox before the end of each term.
If you late added a course, you may have not been automatically provisioned R-Drive space and access. Please inform your course instructor/GE and have them contact the SSIL GIS GE with your student email and class info.